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  • Hoodwinked - A Musical Performance by Year 5&6

    Published 08/03/20

    Wow, we have some musical and dramatic talent here at St Aldhelm's! Children performed a stage version of the story of Robin Hood, 'Hoodwinked', on Wednesday 29th and Thursday 30th January. There can't be a better way to brighten up a gloomy January evening, than to sit back and enjoy being entertained by our children. Thank you children for all your hard work to practice lines, songs and dramatic direction and be ready for the night. Thank you parents for providing costumes, joining us and your wonderful feedback - you must all be so proud. And finally, thank you to staff, for your commitment and dedication in going above and beyond in making it possible.







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  • Finches Visit to The Museum of Somerset - Year 4

    Published 08/03/20

    Year 4 had a great trip to The Museum of Somerset in Taunton on Tuesday 28th February.

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  • Year 3 Egyptian Workshop

    Published 08/03/20

    Year 3 enjoyed a visit from the Heritage Trust to kick start their Egyptian enquiry project.

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  • Y2 Synagogue Visit

    Published 16/12/19

    Year 2 Magpies have been finding out about Judaism this term. As part of their learning they visited the synagogue in Bristol where they saw the real life artefacts they had been looking at in the classroom. They were wowed by the Torah scrolls in the Ark, saw the yad that makes sure the Torah is not touched by hands, enjoyed wearing the kippahs and loved learning the Shabbat Shalom song.

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  • Christmas Craft Day

    Published 16/12/19

    Each year, children at St Aldhelm's love Christmas Craft Day. Teachers plan and prepare art and craft activities from cutting, sticking, gluing, baking, decorating and making so that children can create beautiful homemade gifts. These decorate the classrooms and before being taken home  to decorate houses.

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  • Christmas Fayre and Jumper Day

    Published 16/12/19

    Friends of St Aldhelm's PTA and school staff put on the annual school Christmas Fayre on Friday 13th December. On National Christmas Jumper Day this added to the children's Christmas experience and festivities. Children enjoyed wearing a variety of Christmas jumper designs!

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  • Christmas Nativity 2019

    Published 16/12/19

    Our Year 1 and 2 children performed a wonderful nativity,' A Tale of Two Birthdays' on the 11th and 12th of December.

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  • Tallulah Swirls Puppet Theatre

    Published 15/11/19

    Tallulah Swirls Puppet Theatre Company visited school this week and performed to the children.

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  • Remembrance Day Worship

    Published 12/11/19

    On Monday 11th November, children and staff held a Remembrance Day Worship to remember and pay respects to those who have fought in wars, both past and present, and think of those affected by war.

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  • Outdoor Learning Day

    Published 06/11/19

    All children took part in an Outdoor Learning Day on Thursday 17th October.

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  • Harvest Service

    Published 06/11/19

    Our Harvest Service was led by Year 1 and Year 4. Children provided the opportunity for us to stop in our busy lives and be thankful for our harvest and the food we are lucky to have in abundance. They acted out the story of the bread making process, shared global knowledge on food around the world and led prayers.


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  • Paddleboat Theatre Performance

    Published 06/11/19

    As part of our joining the Community Learning Partnership Plays in the Playground Project, we enjoyed another performance by the Paddleboat Theatre Company on the 10th October. 

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