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St Aldhelm's Science Curriculum Intent

Children at St Aldhelm’s will be curious about the world around them and will be inspired to ask questions to develop their scientific knowledge and understanding in order to discover how and why these things occur in a practical way.

All children at St Aldhelm’s will engage with scientific enquiry that is practical and fun. They will understand scientific processes and concepts that will enable them to investigate a line of scientific enquiry and develop their ideas based on evidence and observations they have collected.

The children will learn key skills and knowledge that will build upon, and develop existing knowledge whilst making links with other subjects. They will take this knowledge into adulthood and future careers.


Science at St Aldhelm’s School encourages children to be inquisitive and ask questions. Science lessons are taught weekly by class teachers (or HLTAs) with the aim of promoting curiosity, developing subject knowledge and children’s ability to work scientifically. National curriculum units are carefully planned into the academic year to enable appropriate cross curricular links to be made. Science lessons are inspiring and engaging, encouraging children to think critically and develop confidence and independence.  


Scientific knowledge is planned and taught in line with the national curriculum and specific year group objectives. Class teachers refer to the Science Curriculum Design 2019-20 and Science Progression Map 2019-20 to ensure starting points are appropriate with previous knowledge being built upon therefore allowing children to make sufficient progress with their learning. Children are taught and encouraged to use technical vocabulary accurately with increasing confidence.  


Embedded throughout each unit of science are specific scientific skills. Class teachers are clear with the aspects of working scientifically relevant to their year groups and how they fit into the wider picture of science (Curriculum Design and Progression Map 2019-20). Focused teaching on specific skills occurs and is followed by opportunities for children to work independently demonstrating their ability to work scientifically.  

Reasoning and application  

Children are given the opportunity to apply their knowledge and skills learning to new contexts. This enables children to show they have developed a secure understanding. Whenever possible, real life connections are made ensuring children’s learning is relevant and meaningful.  

Cross curriculum links  

To add context to learning and understanding, cross curricular links encouraged and celebrated. Children have opportunities to apply their mathematical statistical skills when collecting, presenting and analysing results. Writing opportunities are provided and when possible cross curricular links are made to Project, Art, DT and Reading. Children are able to engage in a variety of first hand experiences such as whole school science days, outdoor learning days, clubs and visitors to complement and broaden the curriculum.